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School Resolutions

  1. To enter in the classes with own books/Lesson plans and notes like a Queen/King.
  2. To do period wise lesson planning as per syllabus breakups.
  3. To make the best use of teaching aids of all kinds (created, evolved or purchased).
  4. To learn and practice yoga and meditation on daily basis.
  5. To make learning of permanent nature by quoting real life experiences.
  6. To use case studies and anecdotes as far as possible.
  7. To align teaching techniques with multiple intelligence.
  8. To march on the journey of becoming role model teachers by ensuring continuous motivation & appreciation.
  9. To shift the focus of school from rote learning to conceptual learning.
  1. To do pre reading of content to be taught next day in the classes.
  2. To be physically and mentally present during classes.
  3. To have positive attitude and perception towards all teachers/lessons.
  4. To record date wise work in class note book sincerely & meticulously.
  5. To prepare short and long term targets in consultation with parents & teachers.
  6. To do post reading of the content taught same day without fail.
  7. To identify and mark difficult and most difficult portion of content same day.
  8. To ask difficulties very next day proactively at the start of the period.
  9. To follow approved plan & ensure minimum two revisions for exams/tests.
  10. To be regular and punctual to school responsibilities.