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World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day (June 8) – Connect yourself

Dear Parents,

To respect the sensitive citizens’ concern for environment. The UN celebrates World Ocean Day on June, 8. Oceans are the lifeline as nobody (plants, animals and human) can exist without water. Oceans are the major carbon sink. They absorb carbon from the atmosphere. Oceans directly provide food for approx. one fourth population of the world. Without oceans the picture of the Earth turns unimaginable.

But its worth giving a thought that if there is no water in our vicinity, how are we responsible !!!

Yes, everyone is responsible. We use and dispose various materials like plastic, chemical, colors, oils, non bio-degradable metals and other harmful substances everyday which in the due course enter into rivers through ditches and ultimately to the oceans. These non bio-degradable substances are hazardous directly to the marine life (flora and fauna). This cycle explains how human beings are responsible for the degradation of the environment as a whole.

Therefore, marine life is facing a major threat due to ever increasing pollution. Whatever waste we produce, plastic bears the major share of it. We may conclude that plastic is causing irreparable damage to the marine life.

Kindly spare a thought on some of the alarming factual data:

• 80% of all pollution in the ocean comes from people on land.

• 8 million tonnes of plastic per year piles up on the ocean, causing havoc to marine life and disturb the ecosystem.

• Pollution due to plastic costs the life of 1 million sea birds and 100,000 marine mammals per year.

• We get minerals, medicines and sea food but vertebrates or invertebrates all eat plastic, it’s a vicious cycle as we ourself get diseased.

It is our moral duty to ensure a healthy and safe life for our future generations. So we need to aware our children regarding this threat and their preventions as well and make them a responsible citizen.

We believe, it is the right time to take an action. We will be waiting for your initiatives/suggestions against the use of plastic in our family/community.

Yours sincerely,

Team JGS

Jain Global School
V.P.O.-Danpur, Kashipur road
Rudrapur, U.S.Nagar, Uttarakhand
Mob. 7500537537, 7500937937